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Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2
Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2
Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2
Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2
Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2
Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2
Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2

Philip Aarons and AA Bronson (eds) - Queer Zines, Vol. 2

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With comprehensive bibliographies of more than 120 titles, Queer Zines 2 offers a visually arresting, intellectually provocative, and unashamedly sexy take on the rich output of contemporary queer zinemakers. Including both an expanded focus on overlooked 'historical' publications dating from the early 70s onward, as well as extensive entries charting a new generation of queer zinesters, this second volume offers a broad survey of the vibrant and evolving medium.

Queer Zines 2 includes over a dozen new essays, including writing by Bruce LaBruce, Edie Fake, K8 Hardy, Scott Treleaven, and more. Reflecting the authors’ deep belief in the urgency and vitality of zines as an individual and collective forum, these essays offer both personal and critical assessments of independent queer publishing as an important agent in shaping identity, establishing community, and altering the course of culture more generally. Thanks to Printed Matter (New York). 

280 pages, 27 x 19 cm, softcover, Printed Matter (New York).