In Australia, there are more statues of animals and oversized fruit than there are memorials to (or about) women, and only a tiny fraction of public statues in Australia honour non-fictional, non-royal women: the vast majority honour dead, white men. To The Women of Kyneton attempts to reverse this imbalance.
For ten days in 2018, Make or Break asked female-identifying people in the Victorian town of Kyneton to propose a public artwork, monument or memorial for the town via an anonymous paper survey. The surveys were collected and displayed in a main street shop window, together with a series of live ‘unveiling' performances at secret locations around the town. This 88 page limited edition book documents ‘Unveilings’ and features a compilation of all the surveys submitted, beautifully reproduced alongside a text by the artists and photographs of the project and performances.
88 Pages, softcover, 17.5 x 24.5 cm, edition of 100, Ruin Press (Sydney).