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The Serving Library Annual 2017/18
The Serving Library Annual 2017/18
The Serving Library Annual 2017/18
The Serving Library Annual 2017/18
The Serving Library Annual 2017/18
The Serving Library Annual 2017/18

The Serving Library Annual 2017/18

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The Serving Library Annual comprises a number of individual 'Bulletins' organised around a theme for an international audience of designers, artists, writers, and researchers. Newly published by Roma Publications (Amsterdam) in a yearly format, this inaugural issue is realised in collaboration with Public Fiction, a journal and exhibition-maker based in Los Angeles. It deals with acts of civil disobedience and other forms of resistance, particularly in view of the relationship between entertainment and power. Contributors include Hilton AlsTauba AuerbachAnne CarsonMark LeckeyAdrian PiperFrances Stark, and Martine Syms.

200 pages, 30 x 21cm, softcover, Roma Publications (Amsterdam)