Siri Aurdal by Eline Mugaas is an artist book produced on the occasion of a two-person exhibition by the artists at Kunstnernes Hus (Norway). The publication features Eline Mugaas collaging together decades of drawings, documentation, collages and ephemera by Siri Aurdal, with a lyrical approach reminiscent of Mugaas’ work with the magazine ALBUM. This method unfolds the traditional logic of an exhibition catalog, replacing its typical organizational structure (chronology, installation views, thematic documentation) with the artistic agency of Mugaas. Known for her social sculptures, Aurdal utilised common industrial materials (plexiglass and pvc piping) for the creation of modular sculptural systems that could be reconceived or reformulated for a range of sites, from the gallery to an elementary school playground. Published by Primary Information (Brooklyn).
348 pages, 19 x 26.5 cm, softcover, Primary Information (Brooklyn).