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Sean Vegezzi - Snow Cab
Sean Vegezzi - Snow Cab
Sean Vegezzi - Snow Cab
Sean Vegezzi - Snow Cab
Sean Vegezzi - Snow Cab
Sean Vegezzi - Snow Cab

Sean Vegezzi - Snow Cab

Loose Joints
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Snow Cab catalogues an eponymous installation of works by Sean Vegezzi made between 15 and 22 November 2016. Installed within a vacated retail unit within Lower Manhattan, the works of Snow Cab actively blend and respond to the inert post-consumer space they inhabit, a space in which subsequent to their exhibition the works were left, in situ.

Vegezzi’s practise explores the blending of the individual with narratives of privacy, security and visibility within the American military-industrial complex. A departure from prior works, Snow Cab evolved as an immediate, frenzied and searching response following the Paris terror attacks of November 2015. Moving through the documentation of the exhibition we find t-shirts, sweeping compound, statues, core samples, Cold War rations, wildlife and more, repurposed and reappropriated for display amongst images and texts.

88 pages, 22 x 17.5cm, softcover, Loose Joints (London)