Richard Prince's Publications
Richard Prince's Publications
Richard Prince's Publications
Richard Prince's Publications
Richard Prince's Publications
Richard Prince's Publications
Richard Prince's Publications
Richard Prince's Publications

Richard Prince's Publications

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This diminutive, eponymous catalogue to an exhibition, curated by Christophe Daviet-Thery and taking place in Spoleto and Paris in 2012, seems to draw up an inventory of a “book-lover’s library”. But on closer inspection, the individual in question is the same person who designed these books: Richard Prince. Through their varied depictions of miscellaneous publications, Prince’s artist’s books and catalogues have gradually themselves become collection catalogues of other books. The phenomenon reflects an urge to make public one’s private interior, and by extension, one’s personal life and inspirations. The publication includes detailed bibliographical notes and two critical essays. Published by Viaindustriae (Foligno).

208 pages, 12 x 16 cm, paperback, Viaindustriae (Foligno).