Berlin-Tempelhof, one of Germany’s oldest commercial airports, was closed in 2008. Residents fought for the right to use the largest open space in central Berlin as a park. In 2010 the city gave the 360-hectare area the marketing name “Tempelhofer Freiheit” and left it to the citizens, who quickly dubbed it “Tempelhofer Feld”. Despite their protests, there are plans to construct buildings on its grounds, regarded as the largest piece of real estate in Germany, by 2025. In a massive volume of photographs, the artist Benjamin Deboosere and the landscape architect Wouter De Raeve, both from Belgium, have documented the wishes of the various parties involved, while a handy reader offers their takes on the future of the field.
Texts by Markus Bader, Philipp Oswalt, Lieven De Cauter, Kenny Cupers, Roeland Dudal, Eric Corijn, Andrej Holm, and Markus Miessen. Published by Spector Books (Leipzig).
Text book: 120 pages, 11.5 x 17 cm, softcover, Spector Books (Leipzig).
Photobook: 320 pages, 16 x 24 cm, softcover, Spector Books (Leipzig).