Now, with the benefit of smartphones, we can instantly connect with anyone we want and shop for things online anytime we wish. As it has become much easier to collect massive amounts of information in a blink of an eye, as well as to fulfil our desires, I believe now is the time to ask ourselves the question. “In what do we place our values?” We have consciously begun to make the effort to draw a map using our imagination, by connecting the present to the past, and to design our future beyond that map.
The title for this issue COLLAGE came to mind from an interview with Teppei Kaneuji which was part of a book of interviews called "Tsukuru Riyuu (The Reason to Create)”: A Series of Interviews by Nakako Hayashi. Stating that his media of expression as a collage, Kaneuji, in his attempt to redefine the concept of collage, says that “A collage is an act to personally resist the conventional time, value, history and sets of rules, and to resist a much larger force with an accumulation of smaller actions.”
64 pages, 21 x 29.7 cm, softcover, Nieves (Zurich).
The title for this issue COLLAGE came to mind from an interview with Teppei Kaneuji which was part of a book of interviews called "Tsukuru Riyuu (The Reason to Create)”: A Series of Interviews by Nakako Hayashi. Stating that his media of expression as a collage, Kaneuji, in his attempt to redefine the concept of collage, says that “A collage is an act to personally resist the conventional time, value, history and sets of rules, and to resist a much larger force with an accumulation of smaller actions.”
64 pages, 21 x 29.7 cm, softcover, Nieves (Zurich).