Learning from Warsaw
Learning from Warsaw
Learning from Warsaw
Learning from Warsaw
Learning from Warsaw
Learning from Warsaw

Learning from Warsaw

Kodoji Press
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The city of Warsaw is interesting reading material, which is characterized by different times and ideologies. The urban structure seems to consist of contradictions on every level. The city was rebuilt from the scrap many times. Every time another storyline was used. The contradictions are representing the disruptive Polish history and you can see the manifestation of it on many levels. In Warsaw, main epochs are shaken together like in a vodka sour.

Inspired by the classic architecture book, Learning from Las Vegas, 20 artists and thinkers from Switzerland and Poland explored Warsaw. While Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown were analysing Las Vegas through photographs, the book looks at the polish capital with the means of artistic tools. It’s definitely a look with a fresh mind on this city. Some authors are just visitors for some days, others are writing on their field of expertise. Learning from Warsaw consists of an outside and inside view. The Lessons are considered as a collection of ideas, experiences, memories or theories of this city. Together, they give a realm of stories about Warsaw’s contemporary state of mind. Thanks to Kodoji Press (Baden).

96 pages, 24 x 34 cm, softcover, Kodoji Press (Baden).