Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook

Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook

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A compilation of progressive investigations by more than 25 artists, designers, theorists and activists into the concept of “domestic”, this wide-ranging handbook includes case studies, project documentation, analyses and theory in the form of artistic and collective actions and spatial concepts. Its goal is to uncover the extensive potentialities of the house and the private sphere therein through a rethinking of accepted social practice and revolutionary new approaches. The collection of texts and images is both complex and fascinating, yet also a useful source of inspiration for interior design, colliding the private and public spheres with each other in fresh and innovative ways. Co-published by Valiz & Casco (Amsterdam). 

336 pages, 24 x 32 cm, softcover, Valiz & Casco (Amsterdam).