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CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe
CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe

CALAMITA/À. An investigation into the Vajont catastrophe

Fw: Books
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On 9 October 1963, a landslide into the Vajont hydroelectric basin caused a gigantic wave of water and mud to overwhelm the dam, sweeping away several villages downstream. Almost 2,000 people perished. After 60 years, Vajont remains among Italy’s most serious environmental disasters caused by human action. This artistic research project, begun in 2013 and curated by Gianpaolo Arena and Marina Caneve, takes an interdisciplinary approach. In a modernity where we move seamlessly from one catastrophe to the next, it explores the geographical and cultural territories of the Vajont to examine a fundamental question: How can we see the approaching catastrophe?

512 pages, 21 x 28 cm, softcover, Fw: Books (Amsterdam).