WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy
WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy
WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy
WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy
WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy
WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy
WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy
WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy

WAX Magazine Issue 5: Immediacy

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The theme of WAX 5 is Immediacy, and the team look at how this theme threads through art-making, design and surfing. Subjects include: Cory Arcangel (interviewed by Hans Ulrich Obrist on his new “Surfware” line), Alek Parker (pro surfer and filmmaker), Xavier Cha (recent Guggenheim fellow),John Houck (photographer and artist), and Tripoli Patterson (gallerist and former pro surfer). WAX 5also includes a “24 Hour Art Project” featuring Lucas Blalock, Cory Arcangel, Hayal Pozanti, Michael Bell-Smith, and more. There’s a thought piece on immediate typography by Michael Rock and, finally, a surf fling with photographer Banjo McLachlan. Thanks to WAX (New York City).

128 pages, 20 x 27 cm, softcover, WAX (New York City).