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Perimeter x Tokyo Virtual Art Book Fair 2020

As the era of virtual launches and exhibitions continues, Perimeter is delighted to be exhibiting at Tokyo Art Book Fair – this year taking the form of the Virtual Art Book Fair – running from November 16–23, 2020.

Each year since its founding in 2009, the Tokyo Art Book Fair (TABF) has brought publishers, galleries, and artists to Tokyo from around the world to create a platform of innovative expression for all things printed. 

While the the organisers have made the decision to cancel the Tokyo Art Book Fair, originally held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, they have opted instead to hold a virtual alternative, entitled the Virtual Art Book Fair (VABF). They aim to utilise their experiences and connections to create a space where people can discover new art books and meet like-minded people in this new realm of the virtual. 

At the VIRTUAL ART BOOK FAIR, we will connect with visitors digitally: offering exhibitor booths, lectures, talk shows, signing events, and more features that capture the allure of all types of printed media... While we intend on keeping the elements that have defined the TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR as a physical event in years past, we also consider this to be an era of experimentation. We promise not to lose sight of our DIY spirit or our sense of humour as we test out new possibilities, and we are preparing a variety of exciting events, exhibitions, and features to give you a multi-layered, multi-faceted experience of the art books.

At our virtual table, we're excited to be representing publications from Perimeter Editions, including the debut of much-anticipated titles Vincent Namatjira – The Royal Tour (Perimeter Editions 058) and Dane Lovett – Flowers (Perimeter Editions 057). For attendees of VABF, we will be offering discounted express shipping, included in the price of all our titles for the duration of the fair. We hope to 'see' you there!

TABF's Virtual Art Book Fair
November 16–23, 2020