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Perimeter Small Book Prize 2018

Perimeter is thrilled to announce the shortlist for the inaugural Perimeter Small Book Prize 2018.

The winner will work alongside Perimeter’s editors and designers to develop a small, limited-edition book, which will be published by Perimeter Editions and be distributed through Perimeter’s channels in Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe. The publication will be promoted at major art book fairs in New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Melbourne and more.

The prize speaks to Perimeter’s commitment to engaging with the local creative community and developing and disseminating meaningful new works in published form.

Perimeter Small Book Prize 2018 Shortlist:
Michael Garbutt
Luke Van Aurich
Saskia Pandji Sakti
Jacob Raupach
Kathryn McCool
Ross Taylor
Kate Tucker
Claudia Van Eeden
Abigail Varney
Sarah Walker

All shortlisted applicants will be contacted. The winner will be announced on Thursday April 12, 2018.

We would really like to thank everyone who entered — the Perimeter team were blown away by the quality and diversity of the work that was submitted.

Entry Details
There are two stages of the entry process:

Stage One:

Entrants must provide: 12–24 images (as a sample of a wider project)
Project statement (200 words)
Short biography (100–200 words)

Entries due: midnight, February 28, 2018

Stage Two:

A small number of entrants will be shortlisted and asked to provide additional material and information. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by Perimeter via email. The winning entry will be announced Thursday, April 12, 2018.

Entry Fee
To offset the costs of production we must charge a small entry fee of AU$45.

Entries close: Wednesday February 28, 2018, midnight
Shortlist announced: March 17, 2018, during the NGV Melbourne Art Book Fair
2018 Winner announced: Thursday April 12, 2018

How to Enter
Please submit images and text documents in PDF format and label the file as SURNAME_FIRSTNAME.PDF
Send your application to: with the subject: Small Book Prize 2018 application
The entry fee of AU$45.00 MUST be paid ON APPLICATION via PayPal via the following link: PAY HERE


- Open to residents of Australia and New Zealand who live locally or abroad.
- Open to students, early, middle and late-career artists.
- Work must be entirely the original work of the entrant.
- Work must be visual, including painting, drawing, sculpture and photography .
- Work submitted must not have been published before in a book format.
- There is no limit to the amount of entries an individual can make, but each entry must be a new submission; i.e. different visual and written material and a separate entry fee must be provided.
- Perimeter is not able to cover travel costs. If the winner does not live in Melbourne, all communication in the collaborative book-making process will be conducted electronically via Skype.
- Refunds will not be given for any reason.
- Incomplete applications, including failure to pay the entry fee, will not be considered. Please make sure you have completed all steps before submitting your application.

Judging Criteria 
Entries will be judged based on merit and originality as we see it. We encourage entrants to consider how and why their work would work in a book format.

All work will be judged on merit by the Perimeter team, including Justine Ellis (Director, Perimeter Editions), Dan Rule (Director, Perimeter Editions), Emma Phillips, Lizzie Stafford and Felix Wilson.

The winner of the Perimeter Small Book Prize 2018 will have their work published, promoted and distributed by Perimeter Editions and its associated distribution partners Perimeter Distribution and Idea Books.

The artist will retain copyright over the original works. Perimeter will retain copyright over the published edition.

Please send any enquiries to