All the exhibitors for Same Page 2024 (October 19–20) have been announced – check the full list here!

Perimeter Presents: LE ROY 1

Perimeter is supremely pleased to present the launch of Le Roy, the brilliant new magazine published by graphic designer Kelvin Soh and Auckland-based DDMMYY.

In this issue, a series of long-form essays, interviews and photo essays explore the idea of subjectivity and self-design – specifically through the themes of gender and sexuality. The inaugural issue features contributions by Georgia Hutchison and Arini Byng, Alex Vivian, Dan Arps and many more.

To celebrate its release across Australia via Perimeter Distribution, we're having a wee launch event at the store. Kelvin Soh and the DDMMYY team will be in attendance so do come along!

LAUNCH: Wednesday May 7 2014,
6pm–8pm Perimeter Books 748 High Street, Thornbury
Victoria, 3071, Australia